DEBAG Deutsche Boden & Rohstoff AG
The Deutsche Boden & Rohstoff Aktiengesellschaft (DEBAG) is an independent investment company established in 2011. The first pillar of the company’s business model is based on research and development in the field of raw materials, together with the acquisition of deposits of raw materials and raw materials projects within Germany.
Die DEBAG Group owns numerous deposits of raw materials in northern Germany covering an area totaling some 2.2 million square meters.
The second pillar of DEBAG AG’s business model is composed of investments in companies that represent attractive business opportunities, such as in the area of residential and commercial real estate. As an independent capital lender, the company pursues both short-term and medium-term investment strategies. DEBAG AG is not bound by fund structures and therefore has the flexibility to determine the term of an investment horizon when acquiring and divesting itself of holdings. Subsidiaries are able to find a solid position in the market through their integration in the network formed by the DEBAG group of companies.
02 - 2011
the company is founded
11 - 2011
research & development starts on flood control project
10 - 2012
the residential and commercial real estate division is launched
05 - 2013
research & development starts on biological oil barriers
02 - 2014
the external holdings division is launched
06 - 2014
DEBAG AG moves to its new administrative offices near the Berlin-Brandenburg Airport
Recent News
The DEBAG Group commercial real estate portfolio for Germany currently contains six commercial properties totaling approx. 45,200 m², with approx. 24,457 m² of available floor space divided among roughly 110 tenants.
Through its subsidiary DEBAG Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH’s specialization on the development of revitalization properties, the DEBAG Group achieved a growth rate during the first half of 2014 of more than 100% compared to when the company was launched in 2013. During the second half of 2014, the acquisition of four additional properties is expected and two fully developed commercial properties are to be sold at the end of the revitalization phase.
DEBAG AG has holdings in extractive industries, real estate companies, information technologies and in service providers to the construction industry. It has majority holdings in DEBAG Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH and DEBAG MWConsulting GmbH.
DEBAG AG also has minority holdings in six other raw materials and real estate companies in Germany.
The DEBAG Group takes seriously its responsibilities to shareholders, business partners, employees and to the environment – throughout Germany, in every area of its operations and at every location.
The DEBAG Group develops products and services that both serve customer needs while also contributing to sustainable growth.
Through its research projects, DEBAG AG seeks to take an active role in preserving the natural environment. The cornerstone of our business philosophy lies in a combination of economy and ecology, which of course involves maintaining environmental standards of the highest quality.
Corporate Governance
DEBAG Group has committed itself to addressing social, ethical and environmental issues by incorporating these topics in its corporate governance program. Similarly, the company also seeks to ground its own success on a willingness to provide for greater transparency with respect to company activities. DEBAG aims to meet the specific needs of its business partners by seeing to it that areas of responsibility and lines of communication are clearly defined.
We are not alone...
In addition to its business activities, the DEBAG Group also takes its role in society seriously by lending support to projects and institutions in the broader community.